What is a Low FODMAP Diet?
FODMAPs are a group of sugars found in certain foods that cannot be completely absorbed by the bodies intestines and can aggravate gut symptoms in sensitive people.
Following the Low FODMAP diet can for many help with their IBS symptoms.
All of our Bakerbee Bakery products are made with Low FODMAP ingredients.
“Put simply, FODMAPs are a collection of short-chain carbohydrates (sugars) that aren’t absorbed properly in the gut, which can trigger symptoms in people with IBS. FODMAPs are found naturally in many foods and food additives.”
I was diagnosed with IBS over 10 years ago and the advice then was to eat healthy and to take medication. While this did ease some of my symptoms I was still prone to horrible IBS attacks that seemed to come out of nowhere. This not only affected my physical health but also my mental health.
I was advised by my dietician to follow the Low FODMAP diet. At first it was over whelming, cutting out onion and garlic especially felt like there wasn’t much I could eat and trips to the supermarket could take hours as I checked every label. in the end if I really missed a item then I had to find a way to make it myself.
For me the Low FODMAP changed my life, I knew now what would trigger me and I was able to control my symptoms for the most part. IBS attacks no longer came out of nowhere.
FODMAP stands for
F - Fermentable
O - Oligo
D - Di
M - Mono-saccharides
P - Polyols
What is IBS?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common condition that affects 1 in 7 of the population who experience symptoms like stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation over a period of hours, days or weeks.
Unfortunately IBS is a chronic condition that needs to be managed long term. Every individual persons experiences are unique and effective treatment is often diet, exercise and stress relief. If you suspect you have IBS please consult with your Doctor.
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Questions About Low FODMAP and Our Bakery Products?
Feel free to contact us here with any questions you might have about our Low FODMAP bakery products. We have created these products so that people on the Low FODMAP diet can enjoy freshly baked brownies, cookies and more!